New rules on mot

Mot rules change!Can you drive your car after an MOT fail if the old test hasn’t expired?
The government has updated its guidelines warning motorists that they face prosecution if they drive their car following an MOT failure – even if its previous test hasn’t expired.
Some drivers put their car in for an MOT early to find out if any faults need repairing, mistakenly thinking they can use the vehicle until the old test runs out.
A lot of speculation exists around the topic online, with a number of sites claiming that drivers are within their rights to continue using a car with an in-date MOT certificate, even a tester has since deemed it un-roadworthy.
But now the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has updated its guidelines saying: “You must not drive the vehicle on the road if it fails the test, even if the MOT hasn’t run out.”
It adds that the only exceptions are to drive to have the defects fixed, or to a pre-booked MOT appointment.
If you’re caught driving a car in a dangerous condition, you could face a fine of up to £2,500

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